The Greenslade Primary Curriculum

At Greenslade, we are passionate that our children should benefit from learning experiences of the highest quality. Our curriculum has been designed to both inspire the children and to ensure that all children are building the cultural capital and skills that will enable them to appreciate the wonders of the world around them, participate successfully in society, discover and develop their individual talents and interests and have as many doors opened to them as possible as they move on into their adult lives. Our curriculum meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum whilst also being carefully designed to meet the needs and reflect the values and diversity of our school and community.

Lessons are carefully designed and knowledge is built in a way to ensure that in each lesson all children are able to “know more, remember more and be able to do more.” We use high quality planning resources from providers such as Access Art and the PSHE Association to support teachers in achieving this.

We have made a number of changes to our curriculum in recent years to better meet the needs of our children and are constantly evaluating the impact of these changes and making appropriate adaptations to future planning in the light of feedback from staff and children.

In Year One, a topic-based approach is used to cover the objectives of the history, geography and science curricula as this best matches the needs of our children. In the Autumn Term they learn about how toys and transport have changed during living memory, developing their historical language and identifying and carrying out investigations with materials and objects as part of their science learning. In the Spring Term the children learn about maps, exploring the local area, looking at and creating simple maps and looking at atlases and globes to identify the continents and oceans. On their local walks, they are encouraged to notice the changing of seasons. In the Summer Term, they learn about the natural world, finding out about a variety of plants and animals, learning about weather patterns locally and globally and again enjoying local walks which enable them to observe the changes brought about by the seasons. Much of this curriculum is practical and hands-on as we believe this to be the best way for children of this age to learn and be inspired.

From Year 2, all subjects are taught discretely, although teachers work hard to make links between different subject areas where appropriate. For example, in Year 6 children learn about light in science whilst making shadow puppets in art. However, we actively avoid tenuous links which do not enhance the children’s learning.

Reading high quality texts is at the heart of our curriculum and a number of carefully-planned links have been made between our Literacy units and our wider curriculum. For example, Year 2 children learning about explorers in history complete a Literacy unit based on “The Great Explorer” by Chris Judge and children in Year 4 complete written work based on “Escape from Pompeii” by Christina Balit when learning about the Romans. Reading is essential to developing the knowledge and vocabulary that makes learners successful. To enable all children to become successful and motivated readers, Key Stage 1 and EYFS use the Little Wandle phonics programme.

Many of our units of work use the Royal Geographical Society resources as a starting point. These have then been adapted to best meet the needs of our children:

Our units have been written by school staff, taking advice and ideas from a range of sources, including The Historical Association:

We follow the statutory national curriculum. Many teachers use the Hamilton Trust lesson plans to support their teaching and we also use the Plan Assessment resources:

We use the Purple Mash program, with all children receiving a log-in which they can use to access the website at home:

We use the Charanga schemes of work. This is supplemented with recorder lessons in Year 4, a number of extra-curricular opportunities including choir and guitar lessons, and units of work linked to visits to watch The London Philharmonic Orchestra at the Royal Festival Hall and the London Symphony Orchestra at the Barbican Centre:

We use the AccessArt schemes of work:

We use the PSHE Association resources, using the “Question-based” programme builder:

We follow the Greenwich SACRE syllabus for Religious Education:

We use the lesson plans from the PE Hub as our starting point, adapting them as necessary to best meet the needs of our children:

Design and Technology:
We are members of the Design and Technology Association and use their “Projects on a Page” documents to support our planning: